35  January 16th, 1947

  1. Said in English↩︎

  2. Located at 2nd and Houston↩︎

  3. In fact, this specific story took place in the fall of 1919↩︎

  4. The Two Cantors;Sam sang, at least, the song "Yeder Einer Streikt Atzind" in this show. You can find sheet music here and a translation of the lyrics along with a recording here↩︎

  5. cantor↩︎

  6. cantors↩︎

  7. plural of gabbai↩︎

  8. Alas, Sam’s memory does not serve, but he’s close! The bad son was instead played by William Schwartz. In fact, Forverts actually issued a correction to this end immediately after the following week’s article on January 23rd:

    Not Maurice Schwartz but Willy Schwartz

    In last Thursday’s article, in relaying an episode from when I played with Thomashefsky in the National Theater, I made an error: I meant Willy Schwartz, not Maurice Schwartz which was not right. Maurice Schwartz never played with Thomashefsky.

    Correction issued on January 23rd, 1947.
  9. William (“Willy”) Schwartz↩︎

  10. The 10 day period between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur↩︎

  11. A recording from the Warsaw Synagogue Cantor in 1921, and a modern rendition↩︎