20  November 23rd, 1946

  1. Sam calls this song “Zion’s daughters are all crying,” which is actually the first line of the song but not its actual title.↩︎

  2. Translation by me, hopefully not too bad!↩︎

  3. “destruction.” This Yiddish term specifically implies a catastrophic event in the Jewish collective memory. It is used for the destruction of the first and second Temples, as well as the Holocaust.↩︎

  4. “A little shepherd.” Listen here on Spotify!↩︎

  5. Again, translated by me, but this translation also exists↩︎

  6. Moses↩︎

  7. Literally a Yiddish dialect that grew around the theater: טעאטער–לשון↩︎

  8. A program from a Boris Thomashefsky production of this Joseph Lateiner play in 1910↩︎

  9. dressed to the nines↩︎