5  September 28th, 1946

  1. specifically the goyishe farmers↩︎

  2. This is either a mistranslation (most likely), or an idiom, or perhaps it refers to farming?↩︎

  3. the tsarist Russia governance police superintendent↩︎

  4. the tsarist Russia local police↩︎

  5. Recall, there are six children: two boys and four girls. So far, one boy (Itzhik Gedolia) and one girl (Bas-Sheyva) have married↩︎

  6. This is a Ukrainian phrase he uses which could alternatively be translated as “don’t start with me”↩︎

  7. specifically means they illegally crossed the border↩︎

  8. Yiddish name for Brody, Ukraine. At this time, the city was part of Poland.↩︎

  9. a bribe↩︎

  10. Recall this is being written in 1946 when there are many Jewish refugees with nowhere to go after the Holocaust↩︎

  11. At this time, the Jewish district in Philadelphia was roughly Locust - Christian, 8th - Front. The stretch of Bainbridge between 4th-5th was a market, so I imagine Sam was around that area.↩︎

  12. ”three”↩︎