12  October 26th, 1946

  1. מן המצר; This song title is derived from Pslam 118.↩︎

  2. Lower East Side↩︎

  3. Their first son Freddie was born in 1894. He would later go on to fight in WWI, during which he was exposed to mustard gas and was chronically ill with severe lung problems for the rest of his life, until he passed away in 1935 from associated complications. He worked in the theater box offices and similar before he passed.↩︎

  4. Eid-Gedi is an ancient spring in Israel↩︎

  5. diaspora/exile; this is a hebrew word: גלות↩︎

  6. Sing along!↩︎

  7. my translation; Sam wrote Mogulesko “created for” the Yiddish stage↩︎