17  November 14th, 1946

  1. “A wise son from the Four Questions”↩︎

  2. “good/happy/nice Jews”↩︎

  3. His wife was Clara Schoengold↩︎

  4. His Leksikon entry has not yet been translated, but it is available from Volume 6, page 5344.↩︎

  5. One of Jacob P. Adler and Sara Adler’s children↩︎

  6. Most of the lyrics of this song are too complex for me to reliably translate.↩︎

  7. “philosophy of life” philosophical movement based on the idea that life, not spirit, is the true foundation of the universe↩︎

  8. “woe is me”↩︎

  9. “may his name be erased”; a classic Jewish curse↩︎

  10. This might be “thanks be to him”? זכר לטוב↩︎

  11. From kapparot, implies Haman’s death was a redemption for the Jews↩︎

  12. “Haman the Evil”↩︎

  13. lord the world↩︎