13  October 31st, 1946

  1. mercy, grace, benevolence↩︎

  2. perhaps this implies assimilated: אלט–געזעסענע↩︎

  3. “The Lost/Wandering Soul”. According to Joseph Rumshinsky’s account of Yiddish theater history, this play was based on the German play The Night Wanderer.↩︎

  4. A character in the show, unrelated to the fact that this is Sam’s haimishe name.↩︎

  5. Recall, a system where each actor gets a pre-specified percentage of profits↩︎

  6. or, “don’t be ridiculous”↩︎

  7. שלח–מנות; Basket of gifts/sweets you give to family and friends at Purim. I am assuming there is a Yiddish parable/short story about a poor boy who brings them around and the following happens?↩︎

  8. joy, happiness↩︎