22  November 30th, 1946

  1. Formerly located at 199-201 Bowery, between Rivington and Spring Sts↩︎

  2. Sam uses the word “fixed”/“designated”; implies this theater is really a specific institution, not just a place the wandering actors found and rented out for a time↩︎

  3. Read a blog post about Glickman. According to his obituary, which is shown in the blog post, this theater was called “Metropolitan Hall” and was at the corner of Jefferson and O’Brien streets.↩︎

  4. also translated as “run wild”↩︎

  5. This is an idiom I cannot translate, but I assume it means “when to behave this way and when not to” or similar↩︎

  6. The Jewess; this is the Russian translation of the French opera La Juive↩︎

  7. In French, “Rachel, quand du Seigneur”; In English, “Rachel, when the Lord.” Listen to the song in Russian on Spotify.↩︎

  8. “half-goyishe”↩︎

  9. Recall the events of Chapter 4↩︎

  10. According to YIVO records, this strike took place in December 1899↩︎