Before you get started, make sure the library is loaded into your R session by running library(introverse). Once loaded, you’ll see welcome prompt showing some basic usage.

#> Welcome to the {introverse}!
#> Not sure where to start? You can...
#> - Run show_topics() to see all the different functions 
#>   and topics you can ask for help with.
#> - Run show_topics("library or category of interest") to see 
#>   all the different functions within a certain library/category 
#>   of interest. For example, to see all help topics for {dplyr}
#>   functions, run: show_topics("dplyr").
#> - Run get_help("carnivores") and get_help("msleep") to learn 
#>   about the datasets used in examples.
#> - Run the function get_help() to see the {introverse} docs
#>   for a function or topic. For example, to get help using 
#>   the `length()` function, run: get_help("length").
#>   Don't forget quotation marks around the argument to get_help()!

What topics can I get help on?

To see all currently available help topics, run the following command. The function show_topics() will print all topic categories and all associated topics within each category.

Or, all currently available topics can be seen here.

Woah, there’s a lot of topics! Can I just see the topic categories to narrow it down?

Yes, you can! Use this function:

I know I want help using {dplyr}. Can I see only the {dplyr} help topics?

Absolutely! You can see only those topics for a given category with show_topics("category of interest"). For example, to see the dplyr topics, you would run…

show_topics("dplyr") # Don't forget to use quotes!

I know the topic I want help for! Show me how to get help already!!

Use the function get_help() to get help for a particular topic. For example, to get help using the filter() function in dplyr, you can run:

get_help("filter")  # Don't forget to use quotes!

If you prefer for the help to automatically appear in your browser instead of in the RStudio Viewer pane, you can use the second argument browser = TRUE when using get_help(). For example:

get_help("filter", browser = TRUE)  # Don't forget to use quotes!

Can I learn a little more about the example datasets?

Definitely! We use the dataset msleep from the ggplot2 package, as well as a subsetted version of this dataset called carnivores, for many of the introverse docs examples. Learn more about these datasets by getting help for them with:

# and

Or, directly type msleep and/or carnivores into the R Console to see the datasets directly.

This is all a little confusing. What if I get lost?

Don’t worry, the introverse is here to help! We try to provide helpful feedback as much as possible if you use one of the introverse functions incorrectly or provide a “bad” argument. Read all of the messages you get carefully, and if you’re still confused, let us know how we can improve by filing an issue!