Show the topic list

show_topics(category = NULL)



If specified, gives only topics in the given category (name in topic_list)


Prints out available topics by package


# \dontrun{
show_topics() # Show a list of topics, organized by category
#> base topics:
#>  "abs"
#>  "all"
#>  "any"
#>  "as.character"
#>  "as.factor"
#>  "as.numeric"
#>  "c"
#>  "cat"
#>  "ceiling"
#>  "class"
#>  "data.frame"
#>  "dir.exists"
#>  "file.exists"
#>  "file.path"
#>  "floor"
#>  "getwd"
#>  "head"
#>  "ifelse"
#>  "install.packages"
#>  "length"
#>  "levels"
#>  "library"
#>  "log"
#>  "max"
#>  "mean"
#>  "median"
#>  "min"
#>  "names"
#>  "nchar"
#>  "ncol"
#>  "nrow"
#>  "paste"
#>  "paste0"
#>  "print"
#>  "round"
#>  "sd"
#>  "setwd"
#>  "sqrt"
#>  "str"
#>  "sum"
#>  "summary"
#>  "table"
#>  "tail"
#>  "unique"
#> datasets topics:
#>  "carnivores"
#>  "msleep"
#> dplyr topics:
#>  "anti_join"
#>  "arrange"
#>  "bind_cols"
#>  "bind_rows"
#>  "case_when"
#>  "count"
#>  "distinct"
#>  "filter"
#>  "full_join"
#>  "glimpse"
#>  "group_by"
#>  "if_else"
#>  "inner_join"
#>  "left_join"
#>  "mutate"
#>  "n"
#>  "pull"
#>  "rename"
#>  "right_join"
#>  "select"
#>  "slice"
#>  "summarize"
#>  "tally"
#>  "ungroup"
#> forcats topics:
#>  "fct_infreq"
#>  "fct_lump_min"
#>  "fct_lump_n"
#>  "fct_lump_prop"
#>  "fct_relevel"
#>  "fct_reorder"
#>  "fct_rev"
#> ggplot2 topics:
#>  "aes"
#>  "facet_grid"
#>  "facet_wrap"
#>  "geom_bar"
#>  "geom_boxplot"
#>  "geom_col"
#>  "geom_density"
#>  "geom_histogram"
#>  "geom_jitter"
#>  "geom_label"
#>  "geom_point"
#>  "geom_segment"
#>  "geom_smooth"
#>  "geom_text"
#>  "ggplot"
#>  "ggsave"
#>  "labs"
#>  "scale_alpha_manual"
#>  "scale_color_brewer"
#>  "scale_color_distiller"
#>  "scale_color_gradient"
#>  "scale_color_gradient2"
#>  "scale_color_manual"
#>  "scale_color_viridis_c"
#>  "scale_color_viridis_d"
#>  "scale_colour_brewer"
#>  "scale_colour_distiller"
#>  "scale_colour_gradient"
#>  "scale_colour_gradient2"
#>  "scale_colour_manual"
#>  "scale_colour_viridis_c"
#>  "scale_colour_viridis_d"
#>  "scale_fill_brewer"
#>  "scale_fill_distiller"
#>  "scale_fill_gradient"
#>  "scale_fill_gradient2"
#>  "scale_fill_manual"
#>  "scale_fill_viridis_c"
#>  "scale_fill_viridis_d"
#>  "scale_linetype_manual"
#>  "scale_shape_manual"
#>  "scale_size_manual"
#>  "theme"
#>  "theme_bw"
#>  "theme_classic"
#>  "theme_dark"
#>  "theme_gray"
#>  "theme_grey"
#>  "theme_light"
#>  "theme_linedraw"
#>  "theme_minimal"
#>  "theme_set"
#>  "theme_void"
#>  "xlim"
#>  "ylim"
#> glue topics:
#>  "glue"
#> magrittr topics:
#>  "%<>%"
#>  "%>%"
#> operators topics:
#>  "assignment"
#>  "logical"
#>  "mathematical"
#> readr topics:
#>  "read_csv"
#>  "read_csv2"
#>  "read_delim"
#>  "read_tsv"
#>  "write_csv"
#>  "write_csv2"
#>  "write_delim"
#>  "write_tsv"
#> stringr topics:
#>  "str_count"
#>  "str_detect"
#>  "str_ends"
#>  "str_replace"
#>  "str_replace_all"
#>  "str_starts"
#>  "str_to_lower"
#>  "str_to_sentence"
#>  "str_to_title"
#>  "str_to_upper"
#> tibble topics:
#>  "as_tibble"
#>  "tibble"
#>  "tribble"
#> tidyr topics:
#>  "drop_na"
#>  "pivot_longer"
#>  "pivot_wider"
#>  "separate"
#>  "unite"
#> tidyselect topics:
#>  "contains"
#>  "ends_with"
#>  "everything"
#>  "last_col"
#>  "matches"
#>  "starts_with"
#>  "tidyselect"
# Show all topics in the `dplyr` category
show_topics(category = 'dplyr') 
#>  "anti_join"
#>  "arrange"
#>  "bind_cols"
#>  "bind_rows"
#>  "case_when"
#>  "count"
#>  "distinct"
#>  "filter"
#>  "full_join"
#>  "glimpse"
#>  "group_by"
#>  "if_else"
#>  "inner_join"
#>  "left_join"
#>  "mutate"
#>  "n"
#>  "pull"
#>  "rename"
#>  "right_join"
#>  "select"
#>  "slice"
#>  "summarize"
#>  "tally"
#>  "ungroup"
# Show all topics in the `dplyr` and `tidyr` categories
show_topics(category = c('dplyr', 'tidyr')) 
#> dplyr topics:
#>  "anti_join"
#>  "arrange"
#>  "bind_cols"
#>  "bind_rows"
#>  "case_when"
#>  "count"
#>  "distinct"
#>  "filter"
#>  "full_join"
#>  "glimpse"
#>  "group_by"
#>  "if_else"
#>  "inner_join"
#>  "left_join"
#>  "mutate"
#>  "n"
#>  "pull"
#>  "rename"
#>  "right_join"
#>  "select"
#>  "slice"
#>  "summarize"
#>  "tally"
#>  "ungroup"
#> tidyr topics:
#>  "drop_na"
#>  "pivot_longer"
#>  "pivot_wider"
#>  "separate"
#>  "unite"
# }