Follow this link for day 2 (Introduction to Tidyverse) materials and notes

Follow this link for day 3 (Probability) materials and notes

Solutions for these exercises are available here


Create the following figures for the R CO2 dataset using ggplot2. When applicable, use only one line of code to create each figure by piping commands together.

  1. Histogram of CO2 uptake values for all plants
  2. Histogram of CO2 uptake values for all plants from Mississippi
  3. Histogram of CO2 uptake values for all plants from Mississippi. This time, provide the argument bins=50 to geom_histogram(), as in: geom_histogram(bins=50). Then, provide bins=5 and finally bins=100. Think about how these plots compare and therefore what this argument is doing.
  4. Faceted histogram of CO2 uptake values across plant Type
  5. Scatterplot of CO2 uptake against concentration (meaning CO2 is the response variable) for all nontreated plants, where points are colored by plant Type
  6. Faceted scatterplot of CO2 uptake against concentration across plant Type, where points are colored by Treatment
  7. Faceted scatterplot of CO2 uptake against concentration across plant Type and Treatment, i.e. the final figure should have 2 rows and 2 columns.