Follow this link for day 10 materials and notes

Solutions for these exercises are available here

LM 1

Using the dataset wine.csv, construct a linear model to predict flavanoid content across cultivars, while controlling for total phenol content. This type of linear model is also known as “ANCOVA” (we have one categorical and one numeric predictor, the latter of which is sometimes referred to as the “covariate”). Additionally visualize your data with a scatterplot, colored by cultivar.

Hint: Because cultivar is coded as 1,2, and 3 in your data, R might interpret it as numeric, even though these represent categories. To recode this variable as a factor, use this line:

wine$Cultivar <- factor(wine$Cultivar)

LM 2

Using the dataset wine.csv, construct a linear model to predict wine Color from all other columns as independent predictors. Note: If you are running this in a separate R session from question above, you will need to re-code wine$Cultivar as a factor. Fully interpret your model. Think carefully how to interpret the coefficient for Cultivar (the only categorical variable). How can you fully understand its effect?

Happily, R makes your life easy to include all “other columns” as predictors: lm(Color ~ ., data = wine), where the “.” represents everything that isn’t Color.

Logistic regresssion

Here, we will use a dataset, default.csv indicating if invididuals defaulted on their credit debt. Construct a logistic regression to predict if an individual will default, and visualize your final logistic curve with a colored rug. Based on the plot, do you think this is a good model?