Execute a standard HyPhy analysis.
(**kwargs)¶ Bases:
Parent class for all analysis methods, which include the following children:
Do not use this parent class. Instead, see child classes for analysis-specific arguments and examples.
()¶ Execute an Analysis and save output.
>>> ### Execute a default FEL analysis >>> myfel = FEL(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat") >>> myfel.run_analysis()
(**kwargs)¶ Bases:
Initialize and execute a FEL analysis.
- Required arguments:
- alignment and tree OR data, either a file for alignment and tree separately, OR a file with both (combo FASTA/newick or nexus). Note that if a NEXUS file is provided with the data argument, the additional argument nexus=True must be supplied.
- Optional keyword arguments:
- hyphy, a
instance. Default: Assumes canonical HyPhy install. - srv, Employ synonymous rate variation in inference (i.e. allow dS to vary across sites?). Values “Yes”/”No” or True/False accepted. Default: True.
- branches, Branches to consider in site-level selection inference. Values “All”, “Internal”, “Leaves”, “Unlabeled branches”, or a specific label in your tree are accepted
- output, Name (and path to) to final output JSON file. Default: Goes to same directory as provided data
- alpha, The p-value threshold for calling sites as positively or negatively selected. Note that this argument has 0 bearing on JSON output. Default: 0.1
- genetic_code, the genetic code to use in codon analysis, Default: Universal. Consult NIH for details.
- nexus, a Boolean only required when a nexus file is provided to the argument data. Default: False.
- hyphy, a
>>> ### Define a default FEL analysis, where data is contained in a single file >>> myfel = FEL(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat")
>>> ### Define a default FEL analysis, where data is contained in a single NEXUS file >>> myfel = FEL(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.nex", nexus = True)
>>> ### Define a default FEL analysis, where alignment and tree are in separate files >>> myfel = FEL(alignment = "/path/to/alignment.fasta", tree = "/path/to/tree.tre")
>>> ### Define a FEL analysis, with a specified path to output JSON >>> myfel = FEL(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", output="/path/to/json/output.json")
>>> ### Define a FEL analysis, with a one-rate approach (i.e. synonymous rate variation turned off) >>> myfel = FEL(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", srv=False)
>>> ### Define FEL analysis, specifying only to use internal branches to test for selection >>> myfel = FEL(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", branches="Internal")
>>> ### Define FEL analysis with a custom Hyphy, which is also defined here: >>> myhyphy = HyPhy(suppress_log = True, quiet = True) ## HyPhy will use default canonical install but run in full quiet mode >>> myfel = FEL(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", hyphy=myhyphy)
>>> ### Execute a defined FEL instance >>> myfel.run_analysis()
(**kwargs)¶ Bases:
Initialize and execute a FUBAR analysis.
- Required arguments:
- alignment and tree OR data, either a file for alignment and tree separately, OR a file with both (combo FASTA/newick or nexus). Note that if a NEXUS file is provided with the data argument, the additional argument nexus=True must be supplied.
- Optional keyword arguments:
- hyphy, a
instance. Default: Assumes canonical HyPhy install. - output, Name (and path to) to final output JSON file. Default: Goes to same directory as provided data.
- genetic_code, the genetic code to use in codon analysis, Default: Universal. Consult NIH for details.
- grid_size, Number of grid points per rate grid dimension (Default: 20, allowed [5,50])
- nchains, Number of MCMC chains to run (Default: 5, allowed [2,20])
- chain_length, The length of each chain (Default: 2e6, allowed [5e5,5e7])
- burnin, Number of samples to consider as burn-in (Default 1e6, allowed [ceil(chain_length/20),ceil(95*chain_length/100)])
- samples_per_chain, Number of samples to draw per chain (Default 100, allowed [50,chain_length-burnin])
- alpha, The concentration parameter of the Dirichlet prior (Default 0.5, allowed[0.001,1])
- cache, Name (and path to) output FUBAR cache. Default: goes to same directory as provided data. Provide the argument False to not save the cache (this argument simply sends it to /dev/null)
- nexus, a Boolean only required when a nexus file is provided to the argument data. Default: False.
- method, The algorithm used for FUBAR posterior estimation, in FUBAR version >=2.1. Default: “VB”. Options include “MH” and “CG”.
- hyphy, a
>>> ### Define a default FUBAR analysis, where data is contained in a single file >>> myfubar = FUBAR(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat")
>>> ### Define a default FUBAR analysis, where data is contained in a single NEXUS file >>> myfUBAR = FUBAR(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.nex", nexus = True)
>>> ### Define a default FUBAR analysis, where alignment and tree are in separate files >>> myfubar = FUBAR(alignment = "/path/to/alignment.fasta", tree = "/path/to/tree.tre")
>>> ### Define a FUBAR analysis using a 10x10 grid and alpha parameter of 0.75 >>> myfubar = FUBAR(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", grid_size = 10, alpha = 0.75 )
>>> ### Define FUBAR analysis with a custom Hyphy, which is also defined here: >>> myhyphy = HyPhy(suppress_log = True, quiet = True) ## HyPhy will use default canonical install but run in full quiet mode >>> myfubar = FUBAR(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", hyphy=myhyphy)
>>> ### Execute a defined FUBAR instance >>> myfubar.run_analysis()
(**kwargs)¶ Bases:
- Required arguments:
- alignment and tree OR data, either a file for alignment and tree separately, OR a file with both (combo FASTA/newick or nexus). Note that if a NEXUS file is provided with the data argument, the additional argument nexus=True must be supplied.
- Optional keyword arguments:
- hyphy, a
instance. Default: Assumes canonical HyPhy install. - branches, Branches to consider in site-level selection inference. Values “All”, “Internal”, “Leaves”, “Unlabeled branches”, or a specific label are accepted
- output, Name (and path to) to final output JSON file. Default: Goes to same directory as provided data
- alpha, The p-value threshold for calling sites as positively or negatively selected. Note that this argument has 0 bearing on JSON output. Default: 0.1
- genetic_code, the genetic code to use in codon analysis, Default: Universal. Consult NIH for details.
- nexus, a Boolean only required when a nexus file is provided to the argument data. Default: False.
- hyphy, a
>>> ### Define a default MEME analysis, where data is contained in a single file >>> mymeme = MEME(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat")
>>> ### Define a default MEME analysis, where data is contained in a single NEXUS file >>> mymeme = MEME(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.nex", nexus=True)
>>> ### Define a default MEME analysis, where alignment and tree are in separate files >>> mymeme = MEME(alignment = "/path/to/alignment.fasta", tree = "/path/to/tree.tre")
>>> ### Define a MEME analysis, specifying that selection be tested only on leaves >>> mymeme = MEME(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", branches = "Leaves" )
>>> ### Define a MEME analysis, specifying a custom JSON output file >>> mymeme = MEME(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", output = "meme.json" )
>>> ### Define MEME analysis with a custom Hyphy, which is also defined here: >>> myhyphy = HyPhy(suppress_log = True, quiet = True) ## HyPhy will use default canonical install but run in full quiet mode >>> mymeme = MEME(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", hyphy=myhyphy)
>>> ### Execute a defined MEME instance >>> mymeme.run_analysis()
(**kwargs)¶ Bases:
- Required arguments:
- alignment and tree OR data, either a file for alignment and tree separately, OR a file with both (combo FASTA/newick or nexus). Note that if a NEXUS file is provided with the data argument, the additional argument nexus=True must be supplied.
- Optional keyword arguments:
- hyphy, a
instance. Default: Assumes canonical HyPhy install. - branches, Branches to consider in site-level selection inference. Values “All”, “Internal”, “Leaves”, “Unlabeled branches”, or a specific label are accepted
- output, Name (and path to) to final output JSON file. Default: Goes to same directory as provided data
- alpha, The p-value threshold for calling sites as positively or negatively selected. Note that this argument has 0 bearing on JSON output. Default: 0.1
- genetic_code, the genetic code to use in codon analysis, Default: Universal. Consult NIH for details.
- bootstrap, The number of samples used to assess ancestral reconstruction uncertainty, in [0,100000]. Default:100.
- nexus, a Boolean only required when a nexus file is provided to the argument data. Default: False.
- hyphy, a
>>> ### Define a default SLAC analysis, where data is contained in a single file >>> myslac = SLAC(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat")
>>> ### Define a default SLAC analysis, where data is contained in a single NEXUS file >>> myslac = SLAC(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.nex", nexus=True)
>>> ### Define a default SLAC analysis, where alignment and tree are in separate files >>> myslac = SLAC(alignment = "/path/to/alignment.fasta", tree = "/path/to/tree.tre")
>>> ### Define a SLAC analysis, specifying that selection be tested only on leaves >>> myslac = SLAC(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", branches = "Leaves" )
>>> ### Define a SLAC analysis, specifying 150 bootstrap replicates be used for ASR uncertainty >>> myslac = SLAC(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", bootstrap = 150 )
>>> ### Define a SLAC analysis, specifying a custom JSON output file >>> myslac = SLAC(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", output = "slac.json" )
>>> ### Define SLAC analysis with a custom Hyphy, which is also defined here: >>> myhyphy = HyPhy(suppress_log = True, quiet = True) ## HyPhy will use default canonical install but run in full quiet mode >>> myslac = SLAC(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", hyphy=myhyphy)
>>> ### Execute a defined SLAC instance >>> myslac.run_analysis()
(**kwargs)¶ Bases:
- Required arguments:
- alignment and tree OR data, either a file for alignment and tree separately, OR a file with both (combo FASTA/newick or nexus). Note that if a NEXUS file is provided with the data argument, the additional argument nexus=True must be supplied.
- Optional keyword arguments:
- hyphy, a
instance. Default: Assumes canonical HyPhy install. - branches, Branches to consider in site-level selection inference. Values “All”, “Internal”, “Leaves”, “Unlabeled branches”, or a specific label are accepted
- output, Name (and path to) to final output JSON file. Default: Goes to same directory as provided data
- genetic_code, the genetic code to use in codon analysis, Default: Universal. Consult NIH for details.
- nexus, a Boolean only required when a nexus file is provided to the argument data. Default: False.
- hyphy, a
>>> ### Define a default ABSREL analysis, where data is contained in a single file >>> myabsrel = ABSREL(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat")
>>> ### Define a default ABSREL analysis, where data is contained in a single NEXUS file >>> myabsrel = ABSREL(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.nex", nexus=True)
>>> ### Define a default ABSREL analysis, where alignment and tree are in separate files >>> myabsrel = ABSREL(alignment = "/path/to/alignment.fasta", tree = "/path/to/tree.tre")
>>> ### Define a ABSREL analysis, specifying that selection be tested only on leaves >>> myabsrel = ABSREL(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", branches = "Leaves" )
>>> ### Define ABSREL analysis with a custom Hyphy, which is also defined here: >>> myhyphy = HyPhy(suppress_log = True, quiet = True) ## HyPhy will use default canonical install but run in full quiet mode >>> myabsrel = ABSREL(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", hyphy=myhyphy)
>>> ### Execute a defined ABSREL instance >>> myabsrel.run_analysis()
(**kwargs)¶ Bases:
- Required arguments:
- alignment and tree OR data, either a file for alignment and tree separately, OR a file with both (combo FASTA/newick or nexus). Note that if a NEXUS file is provided with the data argument, the additional argument nexus=True must be supplied.
- Optional keyword arguments:
- hyphy, a
instance. Default: Assumes canonical HyPhy install. - branches, Branches to consider in site-level selection inference. Values “All”, “Internal”, “Leaves”, “Unlabeled branches”, or a specific label are accepted
- output, Name (and path to) to final output JSON file. Default: Goes to same directory as provided data
- genetic_code, the genetic code to use in codon analysis, Default: Universal. Consult NIH for details.
- nexus, a Boolean only required when a nexus file is provided to the argument data. Default: False.
- hyphy, a
>>> ### Define a default BUSTED analysis, where data is contained in a single file >>> mybusted = BUSTED(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat")
>>> ### Define a default BUSTED analysis, where data is contained in a single NEXUS file >>> mybusted = BUSTED(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.nex", nexus=True)
>>> ### Define a default BUSTED analysis, where alignment and tree are in separate files >>> mybusted = BUSTED(alignment = "/path/to/alignment.fasta", tree = "/path/to/tree.tre")
>>> ### Define a BUSTED analysis, specifying that selection be tested only on leaves >>> mybusted = BUSTED(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", branches = "Leaves" )
>>> ### Define BUSTED analysis with a custom Hyphy, which is also defined here: >>> myhyphy = HyPhy(suppress_log = True, quiet = True) ## HyPhy will use default canonical install but run in full quiet mode >>> mybusted = BUSTED(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", hyphy=myhyphy)
>>> ### Execute a defined BUSTED instance >>> mybusted.run_analysis()
(**kwargs)¶ Bases:
- Required arguments:
- alignment and tree OR data, either a file for alignment and tree separately, OR a file with both (combo FASTA/newick or nexus). Note that if a NEXUS file is provided with the data argument, the additional argument nexus=True must be supplied.
- Optional keyword arguments:
- hyphy, a
instance. Default: Assumes canonical HyPhy install. - test_label, The label (must be found in your tree) corresponding to the test branch set
- reference_label, The label f(must be found in your tree) corresponding to the reference branch set. Only provide this argument if your tree has multiple labels in it.
- output, Name (and path to) to final output JSON file. Default: Goes to same directory as provided data
- analysis_type, “All” (run hypothesis test and fit descriptive models) or “Minimal” (only run hypothesis test). Default: “All”.
- genetic_code, the genetic code to use in codon analysis, Default: Universal. Consult NIH for details.
- nexus, a Boolean only required when a nexus file is provided to the argument data. Default: False.
- hyphy, a
>>> ### Define a default RELAX analysis, where data is contained in a single file and test branches are labeled "test" >>> myrelax = RELAX(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", test_label = "test")
>>> ### Define a default RELAX analysis, where data is contained in a single NEXUS file and test branches are labeled "test" >>> myrelax = RELAX(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.nex", nexus=True, test_label = "test")
>>> ### Define a default RELAX analysis, where alignment and tree are in separate files and test branches are labeled "test" >>> myrelax = RELAX(alignment = "/path/to/alignment.fasta", tree = "/path/to/tree.tre", test_label = "test")
>>> ### Define a default RELAX analysis, where data is contained in a single file, test branches are labeled "test", and reference branches are labeled "ref" >>> myrelax = RELAX(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", test_label = "test", reference_label = "ref")
>>> ### Define a default RELAX analysis, where data is contained in a single file, test branches are labeled "test", and the Minimal analysis is run >>> myrelax = RELAX(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", test_label = "test", analysis_type = "Minimal")
>>> ### Define RELAX analysis with a custom Hyphy, which is also defined here: >>> myhyphy = HyPhy(suppress_log = True, quiet = True) ## HyPhy will use default canonical install but run in full quiet mode >>> myrelax = RELAX(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", hyphy=myhyphy)
>>> ### Execute a defined RELAX instance >>> myrelax.run_analysis()
(**kwargs)¶ Bases:
- Required arguments:
- alignment and tree OR data, either a file for alignment and tree separately, OR a file with both (combo FASTA/newick or nexus). Note that if a NEXUS file is provided with the data argument, the additional argument nexus=True must be supplied.
- type, either “nucleotide” or “protein” indicating the type of data being analyzed
- Optional keyword arguments:
- hyphy, a
instance. Default: Assumes canonical HyPhy install. - model, The model to use to fit relative rates, i.e. GTR for nucleotides or LG for amino acids. For full options, please see HyPhy. Default: JC69.
- rate_variation, Whether to apply rate variation to branch length optimization. Options include No, Gamma, GDD. Note that Gamma and GDD will use four categories each. Default: No
- nexus, a Boolean only required when a nexus file is provided to the argument data. Default: False.
- hyphy, a
>>> ### Define a LEISR Protein analysis, where data is contained in a single file and the WAG model with no rate variation is used >>> myleisr = LEISR(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", type = "protein", model = "WAG")
>>> ### Define a LEISR Protein analysis, where data is contained in a single NEXUS file and the WAG model with no rate variation is used >>> myleisr = LEISR(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree..nex", nexus=True, type = "protein", model = "WAG")
>>> ### Define a LEISR Protein analysis, where data is contained in a single file and the WAG model with Gamma rate variation is used >>> myleisr = LEISR(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", type = "protein", model = "WAG", rate_variation = "Gamma")
>>> ### Define a LEISR Nucleotide analysis, where data is contained in a single file and the HKY85 model with GDD rate variation is used >>> myleisr = LEISR(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", type = "nucleotide", model = "HKY85", rate_variation = "GDD")
>>> ### Define LEISR analysis with a custom Hyphy, which is also defined here: >>> myhyphy = HyPhy(suppress_log = True, quiet = True) ## HyPhy will use default canonical install but run in full quiet mode >>> myleisr = LEISR(data = "/path/to/data_with_tree.dat", hyphy=myhyphy)
>>> ### Execute a defined LEISR instance >>> myleisr.run_analysis()