   get_help() docs


The drop_na() function is part of the {tidyr} package, which is part of the {tidyverse}.

It is used to remove rows containing NAs from a tibble (data frame), either from the full dataset or from certain specified column(s).

To use this function, you need to either first load the {tidyr} library, or always use the function with tidyr::drop_na() notation.

# Load the library
# Or, load the full tidyverse:

# Or, use :: notation

Conceptual Usage

# Remove all NAs from the tibble
tibble %>% 

tibble %>% 
  drop_na(column to drop NAs from)

tibble %>% 
  drop_na(columns, to, drop, NAs, from)


The examples below use the msleep dataset. Learn more about this dataset with get_help("msleep").

# Show the msleep dataset with head()
## # A tibble: 6 × 11
##   name  genus vore  order conservation sleep_total sleep_rem sleep_cycle awake  brainwt  bodywt
##   <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>              <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 Owl … Aotus omni  Prim… <NA>                17         1.8      NA       7    0.0155    0.48 
## 2 Moun… Aplo… herbi Rode… nt                  14.4       2.4      NA       9.6 NA         1.35 
## 3 Grea… Blar… omni  Sori… lc                  14.9       2.3       0.133   9.1  0.00029   0.019
## 4 Cow   Bos   herbi Arti… domesticated         4         0.7       0.667  20    0.423   600    
## 5 Thre… Brad… herbi Pilo… <NA>                14.4       2.2       0.767   9.6 NA         3.85 
## 6 Nort… Call… carni Carn… vu                   8.7       1.4       0.383  15.3 NA        20.5

# Remove all NAs in the dataset
msleep %>% 
## # A tibble: 20 × 11
##    name  genus vore  order conservation sleep_total sleep_rem sleep_cycle awake brainwt  bodywt
##    <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>              <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 Grea… Blar… omni  Sori… lc                  14.9       2.3       0.133   9.1 0.00029   0.019
##  2 Cow   Bos   herbi Arti… domesticated         4         0.7       0.667  20   0.423   600    
##  3 Dog   Canis carni Carn… domesticated        10.1       2.9       0.333  13.9 0.07     14    
##  4 Guin… Cavis herbi Rode… domesticated         9.4       0.8       0.217  14.6 0.0055    0.728
##  5 Chin… Chin… herbi Rode… domesticated        12.5       1.5       0.117  11.5 0.0064    0.42 
##  6 Less… Cryp… omni  Sori… lc                   9.1       1.4       0.15   14.9 0.00014   0.005
##  7 Long… Dasy… carni Cing… lc                  17.4       3.1       0.383   6.6 0.0108    3.5  
##  8 Nort… Dide… omni  Dide… lc                  18         4.9       0.333   6   0.0063    1.7  
##  9 Big … Epte… inse… Chir… lc                  19.7       3.9       0.117   4.3 0.0003    0.023
## 10 Horse Equus herbi Peri… domesticated         2.9       0.6       1      21.1 0.655   521    
## 11 Euro… Erin… omni  Erin… lc                  10.1       3.5       0.283  13.9 0.0035    0.77 
## 12 Dome… Felis carni Carn… domesticated        12.5       3.2       0.417  11.5 0.0256    3.3  
## 13 Gold… Meso… herbi Rode… en                  14.3       3.1       0.2     9.7 0.001     0.12 
## 14 Hous… Mus   herbi Rode… nt                  12.5       1.4       0.183  11.5 0.0004    0.022
## 15 Rabb… Oryc… herbi Lago… domesticated         8.4       0.9       0.417  15.6 0.0121    2.5  
## 16 Labo… Ratt… herbi Rode… lc                  13         2.4       0.183  11   0.0019    0.32 
## 17 East… Scal… inse… Sori… lc                   8.4       2.1       0.167  15.6 0.0012    0.075
## 18 Thir… Sper… herbi Rode… lc                  13.8       3.4       0.217  10.2 0.004     0.101
## 19 Pig   Sus   omni  Arti… domesticated         9.1       2.4       0.5    14.9 0.18     86.2  
## 20 Braz… Tapi… herbi Peri… vu                   4.4       1         0.9    19.6 0.169   208.

# Remove all rows with NA in the `vore` column
msleep %>% 
## # A tibble: 56 × 11
##    name         genus vore  order conservation sleep_total sleep_rem sleep_cycle awake  brainwt
##    <chr>        <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>              <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 Owl monkey   Aotus omni  Prim… <NA>                17         1.8      NA       7    0.0155 
##  2 Mountain be… Aplo… herbi Rode… nt                  14.4       2.4      NA       9.6 NA      
##  3 Greater sho… Blar… omni  Sori… lc                  14.9       2.3       0.133   9.1  0.00029
##  4 Cow          Bos   herbi Arti… domesticated         4         0.7       0.667  20    0.423  
##  5 Three-toed … Brad… herbi Pilo… <NA>                14.4       2.2       0.767   9.6 NA      
##  6 Northern fu… Call… carni Carn… vu                   8.7       1.4       0.383  15.3 NA      
##  7 Dog          Canis carni Carn… domesticated        10.1       2.9       0.333  13.9  0.07   
##  8 Goat         Capri herbi Arti… lc                   5.3       0.6      NA      18.7  0.115  
##  9 Guinea pig   Cavis herbi Rode… domesticated         9.4       0.8       0.217  14.6  0.0055 
## 10 Grivet       Cerc… omni  Prim… lc                  10         0.7      NA      14   NA      
## # … with 46 more rows, and 1 more variable: bodywt <dbl>

# Remove all rows with NA in the `vore` or `conservation` columns
msleep %>% 
  drop_na(vore, conservation)
## # A tibble: 40 × 11
##    name         genus vore  order conservation sleep_total sleep_rem sleep_cycle awake  brainwt
##    <chr>        <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>              <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 Mountain be… Aplo… herbi Rode… nt                  14.4       2.4      NA       9.6 NA      
##  2 Greater sho… Blar… omni  Sori… lc                  14.9       2.3       0.133   9.1  0.00029
##  3 Cow          Bos   herbi Arti… domesticated         4         0.7       0.667  20    0.423  
##  4 Northern fu… Call… carni Carn… vu                   8.7       1.4       0.383  15.3 NA      
##  5 Dog          Canis carni Carn… domesticated        10.1       2.9       0.333  13.9  0.07   
##  6 Goat         Capri herbi Arti… lc                   5.3       0.6      NA      18.7  0.115  
##  7 Guinea pig   Cavis herbi Rode… domesticated         9.4       0.8       0.217  14.6  0.0055 
##  8 Grivet       Cerc… omni  Prim… lc                  10         0.7      NA      14   NA      
##  9 Chinchilla   Chin… herbi Rode… domesticated        12.5       1.5       0.117  11.5  0.0064 
## 10 Star-nosed … Cond… omni  Sori… lc                  10.3       2.2      NA      13.7  0.001  
## # … with 30 more rows, and 1 more variable: bodywt <dbl>