   get_help() docs


The glue() function is part of the identically-named {glue} package, which is part of the {tidyverse}.

We use glue() conveniently combine multiple strings into one. glue() is similar to the base R function paste(), except it makes it much easier to include variables in your string. By default, glue() will not insert any space or chatacter between strings being combined. You can change this behavior with the argument sep.

To use this function, you need to either first load the {glue} library, or always use the function with glue::glue() notation.

# Load the library
# Or, load the full tidyverse:

# Or, use :: notation

Conceptual Usage

glue("combine this string {and this variable} into a full single string")


Some examples below use the carnivores dataset. Learn more about this dataset with get_help("carnivores").

# Show the carnivores dataset
## # A tibble: 9 × 4
##   name              genus        awake brainwt
##   <chr>             <fct>        <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 Arctic fox        Vulpes        11.5  0.0445
## 2 Cheetah           Acinonyx      11.9 NA     
## 3 Dog               Canis         13.9  0.07  
## 4 Gray seal         Haliochoerus  17.8  0.325 
## 5 Jaguar            Panthera      13.6  0.157 
## 6 Lion              Panthera      10.5 NA     
## 7 Northern fur seal Callorhinus   15.3 NA     
## 8 Red fox           Vulpes        14.2  0.0504
## 9 Tiger             Panthera       8.2 NA

# Quickly create strings that contain variables using {} around variable names, without ending quotes!
best_animals <- "bears"
worst_animals <- "mosquitos"
glue("We love {best_animals}, but we hate {worst_animals}.")
## We love bears, but we hate mosquitos.
# Another example of embedding variables into a string. Again, quotes enclose the entire argument to `glue()`
favorite_package <- "introverse"
glue("My favorite R package is the {favorite_package}.")
## My favorite R package is the introverse.

# Create a new column called `full_info` in carnivores that is comprised of: "name (genus)"
# Again, directly refer to column names but surround them in curly braces {}
# You'll notice the column comes out a <chr> type. That's ok! It behaves like <chr>
carnivores %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(full_info = glue("{name} ({genus})"))
## # A tibble: 9 × 5
##   name              genus        awake brainwt full_info                      
##   <chr>             <fct>        <dbl>   <dbl> <glue>                         
## 1 Arctic fox        Vulpes        11.5  0.0445 Arctic fox (Vulpes)            
## 2 Cheetah           Acinonyx      11.9 NA      Cheetah (Acinonyx)             
## 3 Dog               Canis         13.9  0.07   Dog (Canis)                    
## 4 Gray seal         Haliochoerus  17.8  0.325  Gray seal (Haliochoerus)       
## 5 Jaguar            Panthera      13.6  0.157  Jaguar (Panthera)              
## 6 Lion              Panthera      10.5 NA      Lion (Panthera)                
## 7 Northern fur seal Callorhinus   15.3 NA      Northern fur seal (Callorhinus)
## 8 Red fox           Vulpes        14.2  0.0504 Red fox (Vulpes)               
## 9 Tiger             Panthera       8.2 NA      Tiger (Panthera)

# You can also use as.character() to ensure a <chr> column type that was created with glue()
# Use `get_help("as.character") to learn more
carnivores %>% 
  # Create column and coerce it into a character type
  dplyr::mutate(full_info = glue("{name} ({genus})"),
                full_info = as.character(full_info)) 
## # A tibble: 9 × 5
##   name              genus        awake brainwt full_info                      
##   <chr>             <fct>        <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>                          
## 1 Arctic fox        Vulpes        11.5  0.0445 Arctic fox (Vulpes)            
## 2 Cheetah           Acinonyx      11.9 NA      Cheetah (Acinonyx)             
## 3 Dog               Canis         13.9  0.07   Dog (Canis)                    
## 4 Gray seal         Haliochoerus  17.8  0.325  Gray seal (Haliochoerus)       
## 5 Jaguar            Panthera      13.6  0.157  Jaguar (Panthera)              
## 6 Lion              Panthera      10.5 NA      Lion (Panthera)                
## 7 Northern fur seal Callorhinus   15.3 NA      Northern fur seal (Callorhinus)
## 8 Red fox           Vulpes        14.2  0.0504 Red fox (Vulpes)               
## 9 Tiger             Panthera       8.2 NA      Tiger (Panthera)

# Create a new column called `description` in carnivores that is comprised of the sentence:
#    "The species {name} is awake, on average, {awake} hours per day."
carnivores %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(description = glue("The species {name} is awake {awake} hours per day."))
## # A tibble: 9 × 5
##   name              genus        awake brainwt description                                     
##   <chr>             <fct>        <dbl>   <dbl> <glue>                                          
## 1 Arctic fox        Vulpes        11.5  0.0445 The species Arctic fox is awake 11.5 hours per …
## 2 Cheetah           Acinonyx      11.9 NA      The species Cheetah is awake 11.9 hours per day.
## 3 Dog               Canis         13.9  0.07   The species Dog is awake 13.9 hours per day.    
## 4 Gray seal         Haliochoerus  17.8  0.325  The species Gray seal is awake 17.8 hours per d…
## 5 Jaguar            Panthera      13.6  0.157  The species Jaguar is awake 13.6 hours per day. 
## 6 Lion              Panthera      10.5 NA      The species Lion is awake 10.5 hours per day.   
## 7 Northern fur seal Callorhinus   15.3 NA      The species Northern fur seal is awake 15.3 hou…
## 8 Red fox           Vulpes        14.2  0.0504 The species Red fox is awake 14.2 hours per day.
## 9 Tiger             Panthera       8.2 NA      The species Tiger is awake 8.2 hours per day.