
To do these exercises, you will need to the tidyverse library. Create a script so you can save your work for future reference, and start with this code to begin:

library(introverse) # if you want :)

Exploring the dataset

These exercises use a pre-loaded dataset called msleep (sound familiar?), which provides different physical and behavioral characteristics of mammals, including how much they sleep.

Take some time to familiarize dataset before you proceed to work with it, using functions like head(), names(), etc. In particular, there is a great dplyr function glimpse() which can reveal a lot of helpful information about a data frame. It’s similar to the str() function, but the output is much nicer to look at. Run it to see!


Set 1: Introducing dplyr verbs

Subsetting rows with filter()

Use filter() to subset msleep to only herbivores.
  • Hint: The vore column will tell you if a mammal is an herbivore. You want find all rows where vore == "herbi".
  • Think: Why not vore == herbi? … "herbi" is a STRING, not a variable!
msleep %>%
  filter(vore == "herbi")
Use filter() to subset msleep to only animals who are awake for at least 12 hours of the day.
  • Hint: “At least” like saying “greater than or equal to,” i.e. >=
msleep %>%
  filter(awake >= 12)
Use filter() to subset msleep to only herbivores who are awake for at least 12 hours of the days.
  • Hint: dplyr makes it easy to supply “and” conditions to filter() simply with commas: filter(statement1, statement2). This is “the same” as writing: filter(statement1 & statement2).
msleep %>%
  filter(vore == "herbi", awake >= 12)
The code below uses filter() to subset msleep to include only herbivores and insectivores, using the %in% logical operator to help craft the statement. Engage with and understand the code, and modify it to subset the data to keep only herbivores and carnivores.
  • Hint: You can do this in multiple ways. Try it out! Either…
  • Use the logical %in% operator as in: filter(column %in% c(thing_i_want, other_thing_i_want)). In this case you want the vore to be something in this array: c("herbi", "insecti")
  • OR, use the pipe | symbol to ask if vore equal “herbi” or if vore equals “insecti”
msleep %>%
  filter(vore %in% c("herbi", "insecti"))
msleep %>%
  filter(vore %in% c("herbi", "carni"))

# OR:

msleep %>%
  filter(vore == "herbi" | vore ==  "carni")
Use filter() to subset msleep to include only herbivores and carnivores who sleep at least 12 hours a day.
  • This is two “and” statements to filter(): subet based on vore AND subset based on sleep_total
msleep %>%
  filter(vore %in% c("herbi", "carni"), 
         sleep_total >= 12)

# OR:
msleep %>%
  filter((vore == "herbi" | vore ==  "carni"), 
         sleep_total >= 12)
Use filter() to subset the data to only carnivores who weigh more than 50 kg.
  • Hint: mammals that are carnivores and that weigh more than 50 kgg
msleep %>%
  filter(vore == "carni", bodywt > 50)
Modify your code to the previous question so that it uses variables rather than values in filter().
  • Hint: You want to define a variable whose value is “carni” and another whose value is 50, and use these inside your filter() function instead of the actual string “carni” and the value 50.
  • Hint 2: Try to use meaningful variable names! I recommend using variable names target_vore and target_weight.
target_vore <- "carni"
target_weight <- 50
msleep %>%
  filter(vore == target_vore, bodywt > target_weight)
Modify your code to the previous question (with the variables!) to instead subset the dataset to herbivores who weigh more than 25 kg.
  • Hint: This question demonstrates how it is much easier to modify code when you use variables!! You should be able to use the exact same filter() code; you only need to change the variable definitions.
# the variables change, but not the filtering
target_vore <- "herbi"
target_weight <- 25
# see, this next code stays the same:
msleep %>%
  filter(vore == target_vore, bodywt > target_weight)

Subsetting columns with select()

Use select() to keep only the columns name, awake, sleep_total, sleep_rem, and sleep_cycle.
  • Hint: Simply list the columns (without quotes!) in select. No need to use c().
msleep %>%
  select(name, awake, sleep_total, sleep_rem, sleep_cycle)
Use select() to remove the columns genus and order.
  • Hint: To remove a column, preface it with the minus sign.
msleep %>%
  select(-genus, -order)
You can also use select() to re-order columns. This is often useful, for example, when viewing datasets that have a lot of columns, and you want to move some columns to the front. The code below moves the column vore to the front, followed by “everything else”, which is represented by the extremely cool and convenient code everything(). Engage with and understand this code, and then modify it code below to reorder the columns as: bodywt, brainwt, then everything else.
  • Hint: You need provide THREE arguments (not including the piped in dataset) to select(): The column you want to appear first, the column you want to appear second, and finally everything else.
msleep %>%
  select(vore, everything())
msleep %>%
  select(bodywt, brainwt, everything())

Counting the number of rows

Often we need to know “how many rows are in this wrangled data frame?” There are broadly two ways to do this:

  • Use the nrow() function which you already know! Because nrow() takes a data frame as its argument, we can pipe dplyr pipelines into it! But it returns a NUMBER, NOT another data frame, so we can’t pipe out of it into another dplyr function.

# or..
msleep %>%
  • Use the dplyr function tally() which gives you a tibble of the row count. We will learn more interesting uses of this function later, but for now, you should know that it will count your rows and return a tibble:
msleep %>%
Answer the question: How many mammals weigh more than 2000 kg?
  • To answer this, we’d use filter() to get only the rows of interest (mammals which weigh more than 2000)
  • The number of rows remaining represents the answer to the question. (add tally() to the pipeline)
  • HOWEVER, rather than just looking at our own eyes and determining ourselves how many rows are there, we want to use code to figure that out for us. This is a central concept in coding: We are using computers, so let’s ask the computer to do it for us! Eyeballs are not reproducible.
msleep %>%
  filter(bodywt > 2000) %>%

Creating new columns with mutate()

Use mutate() to create a new column called class which literally just contains the string “Mammalia”. Indeed, these are all mammals!
  • Hint: Need help with mutate()? Don’t forget: get_help("mutate")!
msleep %>%
  mutate(class = "Mammalia")

Helpful tip!

By default when you create a new column, the column is placed at the END of the data frame. It can be pretty annoying to scroll through the whole dataset to check that your new column was made correctly. It is very helpful to use the select() function to rearrange or subset columns to make sure your code worked properly. As we will see more in depth very soon, the beauty of the pipe %>% if that you can chain more and more dplyr commands together.

Engage with these code chunks to see how select() can be used to help you reorganize columns so that you can more easily check that your answers are right.
msleep %>%
  # first, create the column class
  mutate(class = "Mammalia") %>%
  # second, keep only the column class to more easily make sure it worked
# Or, reorganize columns using everything() when calling select to place `class` first to make sure it worked
# This rearranges columns: place `class` first, and then have "everything else"
msleep %>%
  # first, create the column class
  mutate(class = "Mammalia") %>%
  # then, make class the first-appearing column
  select(class, everything())

Another helpful tip!

When writing multiple pipes, always build it up ONE line at a time! There is no race to the finish line. For example, if your first command doesn’t work properly, there is no chance your second one will work properly. You have to check with your own personal eyeballs that each line of code worked BEFORE appending the next.

Practice writing pipeline code one line at a time below. For each step of the pipeline, look at the result to confirm it worked before adding the next step.:
  • First, use mutate() to add a new column to msleep called class that contains the string “Mammalia”. Look at the output to make sure it worked.
  • Then, add onto the pipeline: code with filter() to REMOVE all mammals in the order “Rodentia” (hint: remember the !=logical operator!).
  • Finally, add onto the pipeline: use select() to only keep columns in this order: class, order, genus, name.
  • If all done correctly, the result should have 4 columns and 61 rows.
msleep %>%
  mutate(class = "Mammalia") %>%
  filter(order != "Rodentia") %>%
  select(class, order, genus, name)
The code below uses mutate() to create a new column called bodywt_g which contains the body weight but in grams instead of kg, as is recorded in the existing bodywt column. Engage with this code, and then modify it to instead create a new variable called bodywt_lbs which contains the body weight in pounds (1 kg = 2.2 lbs).
  • Hint: This question shows you that you can directly refer to and use existing columns when creating new ones.
  • Hint 2: Can you add select() to the end of your pipeline to make sure your code worked as intended?
msleep %>%
  mutate(bodywt_g = bodywt * 1000) # multiply kg by 1000 to get grams
msleep %>%
  mutate(bodywt_lbs = bodywt * 2.2) # multiply kg by 2.2 to get pounds

# To check your answer, I recommend:
msleep %>%
  mutate(bodywt_lbs = bodywt * 2.2) %>%
  # selecting both of these columns will help you confirm that bodywt_lbs=2.2*bodywt
  select(bodywt_lbs, bodywt)
Use mutate() to create a new column called percent_day_awake that gives the percentage of the day that each species spends awake, and use select() at the end to make sure your calculations worked.
  • Hint: There are 24 hours in a day, and the column awake says how many hours a day (on average) that species is awake. So, (awake / 24) * 100 is the percent awake!
msleep %>%
  mutate(percent_day_awake = (awake / 24) * 100) %>%
  # Select the column we created to ensure it worked
Use mutate() to create a new column called log_bodywt that gives the natural logarithm of the body weight, and use select() at the end to make sure your calculations worked.
  • Hint: log() by default calculates the natural logarithm (ln).
msleep %>%
  mutate(log_bodywt = log(bodywt)) %>%
Use mutate() to create a new column called sleep_awake_ratio that has the ratio of total time spent asleep to total time spent awake (sleep_total divided by awake), and again use select() to make sure it worked.
msleep %>%
  mutate(sleep_awake_ratio = sleep_total/awake) %>%
Let’s take a quick detour out of dplyr and into the package tidyr, which is part of the tidyverse. This package (which has been loaded for you!) contains a function drop_na() which removes NA’s from a tibble. Explore the use of this function with get_help("drop_na"), and then use the function to remove all rows from msleep that contain NAs in the following columns:
  • brainwt

  • sleep_cycle

  • Hint: If done correctly, there should only be 30 rows remaining out of the original total 83.

msleep %>%
  drop_na(brainwt, sleep_cycle)
Modify the code from the previous question to add a another pipe that creates TWO new columns with mutate() containing the mean brainwt and then median bodywt for all mammals. Name these columns mean_brainwt and median_bodywt, respectively, and use select() at the end to make sure it worked.
  • Hint: You can create two columns at once in mutate(), just add commas!
  • Think: Why would this code not have worked if we didn’t remove NAs first? Try it without removing the NAs to figure out the issue!
  • For an added challenge, find a way to do this without using drop_na()
msleep %>%
  drop_na(brainwt, bodywt) %>%
  mutate(mean_brainwt = mean(brainwt),
         median_bodywt = median(bodywt)) %>%
  select(mean_brainwt, median_bodywt)

# Without drop_na():
msleep %>%
  mutate(mean_brainwt = mean(brainwt, na.rm = TRUE),
         median_bodywt = median(bodywt, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  select(mean_brainwt, median_bodywt)
Recall the function ifelse() which can define a value based on a condition. Engage with the code below to refresh your memory:
animal <- "goat"
#                      T/F condition     use if TRUE   use if FALSE                       
is_it_a_goat <- ifelse(animal == "goat", "totes goat", "goatless")

dplyr actually has its own version of this function called if_else() (it has an underscore). This version of the function is technically faster and “safer” to use in your dplyr code, but either ifelse() or if_else() will be fine for the purposes of our class. We’ll use if_else() here to get in the habit! (Come to office hours to learn more about how ifelse() differs from if_else()!)

We can use this in combination with mutate() to create new columns whose value is conditioned on something else. For example, the code below creates a new column using if_else() to record if a mammal is, or is not, a carnivore. Engage with this code to understand it, and then modify the code to instead make a new column called are_you_herbi. This column should contain the value “herbivore” if yes, and “not_an_herbivore” if no.
  • Hint: Notice we can still directly refer to existing columns like vore even when using if_else(), because it is all part of the mutate() code.
  • Hint 2: To reiterate, if_else() is part of the mutate() code - It is not a stand-alone `dplyr verb whose first argument is a data frame!!
  • Hint 3: Again, it’s helpful to use select() to make sure you did it all correctly! We’ll want to select vore and are_you_herbi to make sure “herbivores” match up with the right value, etc.
msleep %>%
  mutate(are_you_carni = if_else(vore == "carni", "carnivore", "not_a_carnivore")) 
# Helpful to pipe into select() to keep `vore` and `are_you_carni` FOR THE PURPOSES OF CHECKING IF THE MUTATE WORKED, eg:
msleep %>%
  mutate(are_you_carni = if_else(vore == "carni", "carnivore", "not_a_carnivore")) %>%
  select(vore, are_you_carni)
msleep %>%
  mutate(are_you_herbi = if_else(vore == "herbi", "herbivore", "not_an_herbivore"))
Use your new skills to create a column called “weight_class”, where mammals that greater than or equal to 100 kg are considered “heavy” and mammals that weigh less than 100 kg are considered “light”.
  • Hint: First determine an appropriate logical statement you want to ask if TRUE or FALSE? It will have something to do with the body weight value.
  • Hint 2: For improved coding style, use a variable for the value of 100 instead of directly including it in the mutate() code.
weight_threshold <- 100
msleep %>%
  mutate(weight_class = if_else(bodywt >= weight_threshold, "heavy", "light")) %>%
  # and check with select:
  select(bodywt, weight_class)
Create a new column in msleep called needs_more_caffeine where mammals who are awake (awake) more than 16 hours a day have the value “definitely” and other mammals have “nope”.
  • For an improved coding style, make sure to define the value 16 separately to avoid hardcoding!!
awake_level <- 16
msleep %>% 
  mutate(needs_more_caffeine = if_else(awake > awake_level, "definitely", "nope")) %>%
  # and check:
  select(awake, needs_more_caffeine)

Organizing data frames with rename() and arrange()

Use rename() to change the name of the column conservation to conservation_status.
  • Hint: rename() syntax is: rename(newname = oldname). You do NOT need to use quotes.
  • Hint 2: Spielman gets the arguments backwards all the time, and you probably will too! Just remember if there are bugs, it’s NEWname = OLDname.
msleep %>%
  rename(conservation_status = conservation)
Use arrange() to sort the dataset in ascending order of bodywt.
  • Hint: arrange() sorts in ascending order by default
msleep %>%
Use arrange() to sort the dataset in descending order of bodywt.
  • Hint: Use desc() to sort by descending order of a column instead of just writing the column name, like: arrange( desc(COLUMN) ).
msleep %>%
Use rename() to change the name of the column vore to food_preference.
msleep %>%
  rename(food_preference = vore)
There is a very useful function in dplyr called slice(), which will keep/remove rows based on which row it is (similar but different from filter(), which subsets rows based on TRUE or FALSE). The code below keeps only the first two rows of msleep for example. Engage with this code to make sure you understand:
  • Hint: You should also peek at the full msleep tibble so you can convince yourself that indeed these are the first two rows (and 5th, 7th, and 16th later!).
msleep %>%
  # Keep rows 1-2

# Or:
msleep %>%
  # Keep rows 1-2. They are contiguous so I can use : also
# One more example: keep rows 5, 7, and 16
msleep %>%
  slice(5, 7, 15)

Importantly, the slice() function is really conveniently used along with arrange(): Imagine we want to only keep the top 10 values of a certain variable? We can arrange on that variable and then slice the top 10 rows (i.e. rows 1-10, which in R is 1:10).

Engage with the code below to understand how it works, and then modify it to keep rows featuring the top 5 values of bodywt.
  • Hint: Don’t forget, ONE PIPELINE STEP AT A TIME! If you don’t make sure to know the output from one step, it’s pretty challenging to add on the next step confidently.
  • Hint 2: The result should make some sense - the mammals that were kept are large!
msleep %>%
  # Arrange in *descending order* (we want top values!) of sleep_cycle
  arrange(desc(sleep_cycle)) %>%
  # Keep top 5 sleep cycles
msleep %>%
  arrange(desc(bodywt)) %>%

Removing duplicate rows

In many circumstances, we are interested in subsetting data to only keep unique rows and therefore remove duplicates. We simply use the dplyr function distinct() for this - no arguments! Below shows you how to use the function, but it’s not very interesting yet since there are no duplicate rows in msleep!

msleep %>%
Modify the pipeline below to only keep distinct rows at the end. First, engage with to understand which duplicate rows you expect will be removed. Finally, you also remove all combinations in the result with NA?
msleep %>%
  select(vore, conservation)
msleep %>%
  select(vore, conservation) %>%
  distinct() %>%

Set 2: Practice with dplyr verbs

Remember: You can always use functions like select() to check your code, even if select() is not actually part of the solution.

Use filter() to subset msleep to only herbivores, and then use arrange() to order the data by name.
msleep %>%
  filter(vore == "herbi") %>%
Use filter() to subset msleep to only species whose conservation status is least concern (“lc”), and then use select() to remove the conservation column, and finally remove all NAs with drop_na(). Save the final output of your piped commands to a new data frame called msleep_lc, and then print the new data frame to confirm your work was successful.
  • Try using the forward assignment symbol, -> to “send” the final output into the variable name msleep_lc.
msleep %>%
  filter(conservation == "lc") %>%
  select(-conservation) %>%
  drop_na() -> msleep_lc

The goal of this question is to find all the mammals who are generally more awake than asleep. In other words, their ratio of awake hours to asleep hours is >1, se awake/asleep ratio is greater than 1.
  • You can think of this in a couple of ways:
    • The amount of hours spent awake (awake) is greater than the amount of hours spent asleep (sleep_total
    • The difference between awake and asleep hours is positive (meaning the absolute value of their difference is position aka > 0).
    • The ratio of dividing awake by sleep_total is greater than 1.
  • There are many ways to solve a problem! Neither is necessarily better or worse.
# One approach:
msleep %>%
  filter(awake > sleep_total)

# Another approach:
msleep %>%
  filter(abs(awake - sleep_total) > 0)

# And anther approach
msleep %>%
  filter(awake/sleep_total > 1)

# Or make a variable along the way, why not! However you want to do it, as long as you use dplyr code
msleep %>%
  mutate(difference = awake - sleep_total)
  filter(abs(difference) > 0)
Use filter() to subset msleep to only primate species (order is “Primates”) whose conservation status is least concern (“lc”) (two things to filter!!), and then use rename() to change the column vore to be called diet.
  • Hint: There are two things to filter on here! Remember to use a comma within filter() to specify them both.
msleep %>%
  filter(order == "Primates", conservation == "lc") %>%
  rename(diet = vore)
Subset the data to contain only carnivores with body weights greater than 50 kg. Then, arrange the data in ascending order ofbody weight. Finally, keep only columns name, bodywt, brainwt in that order.
  • For an added challenge, simultaneously rename the column name to common_name. You can do this in select() using rename() syntax.
msleep %>%
  filter(vore == "carni", bodywt > 50) %>%
  arrange(bodywt) %>%
  select(name, bodywt, brainwt)

# Added challenge
msleep %>%
  filter(vore == "carni", bodywt > 50) %>%
  arrange(bodywt) %>%
  select(common_name = name, bodywt, brainwt)
Modify the code from the previous question by switching the order of arrange() and select(). Does this change the output? Understand why or why not.
  • Ok, here’s the answer: there is NO difference in the output, because these commands are just rearranging existing data. Nothing is being added or removed.
msleep %>%
  filter(vore == "carni", bodywt > 50) %>%
  select(name, bodywt, brainwt) %>%
Modify the code from the previous question again by reordering pipeline commands: first select, then filter, and then arrange. In fact, this will lead to a BUG!! Why?
  • Hint: This is why it is CRUCIAL to do one step at a time. If you select first, you actually get rid of the vore column, so you can’t posssibly filter it.
msleep %>%
  select(name, bodywt, brainwt) %>%
  filter(vore == "carni", bodywt > 50) %>%
Engage with the templated code below, whose goal is to show just the bodywt and name columns for all mammals whose brain weight is less than 2. Alas, the code has a bug! Can you figure out WHY the code has a bug and fix the code?
  • Hint: What lessons did you just learn in the previous question? Apply them here!
msleep %>%
  select(bodywt, name) %>%
  filter(brainwt < 2) 
# Need to reverse the order! The original "logic" was flawed
msleep %>%
  filter(brainwt < 2) %>%
  select(bodywt, name) 
Engage with the templated code below, whose goal is to show just the REM sleep amounts for carnivores, where data is arranged in order of genus. Alas, the code has a bug yet again! Can you fix the code?
  • Once again, the lesson here is you must code and CHECK THE RESULT one line at a time!!
msleep %>%
  filter(vore == "carni") %>%
  select(sleep_rem) %>%
msleep %>%
  arrange(genus) %>%
  filter(vore == "carni") %>%

# Works just as well! 
msleep %>%
  filter(vore == "carni") %>%
  arrange(genus) %>%
Now, let’s finally see why distinct() is a helpful function. We want to answer this question using a dplyr framework: What are the unique vores in the dataset? To address this question, we need to first subset the data to only contain the vore column, and then use distinct():
  • Engage with the code below, and understand why I had to write it in this order. Think about why it would NOT work to first get all unique rows and then select only vore.
msleep %>%
  select(vore) %>%
Subset msleep to arrive at a tibble that contains just the column vore and shows only the unique vores that mammals of the order "Carnivora" belong to. In other words, what do carnivores eat? (The answer should make some sense…)
  • Hint: You first want to filter to the rows of interest (carnivores!!), and then figure out how to get the distinct vores for that group.
msleep %>%
  filter(order == "Carnivora") %>%
  select(vore) %>%

Set 3: Summarizing data with dplyr

Use summarize() to create a summarized dataframe with a column mean_awake that contains the mean number of hours spent awake.
msleep %>%
  summarize(mean_awake = mean(awake))
Perform the same exact task as the last question, except this time use mutate() rather than summarize(). The goal of this question is so you can see clearly how mutate and summarize differ.
msleep %>%
  # Now we have a whole column where all rows have the same value.
  mutate(mean_awake = mean(awake))
Let’s keep building our intuition for mutate() vs summarize(). We want to know: How does each mammal’s time spent asleep compare to the average amount of time mammals sleep? In this case, we’ll calculate the difference between each species’ sleep and the average sleep, and we want a row for each mammal showing the difference.
  • Your final answer should contain only TWO COLUMNS: name and awake_difference (representing the difference between the species and the average).
  • Hint: First plan your steps CONCEPTUALLY, and then begin to implement in code. You’ll need to decide if mutate() or summarize() is more appropriate.
msleep %>%
  mutate(mean_awake = mean(awake)) %>%
  mutate(awake_difference = awake - mean_awake) %>%
  select(name, awake_difference)

# Done another way:
# You can use a single call to mutate() to make several columns at once, and new lines know about the previous ones!
msleep %>%
  mutate(mean_awake = mean(awake),
         awake_difference = awake - mean_awake) %>%
  select(name, awake_difference)

# Done another way: No need to even make mean_awake!
msleep %>%
  mutate(awake_difference = awake - mean(awake)) %>%
  select(name, awake_difference)
Use summarize() and mean() to determine the average amount of time spent in REM sleep (column sleep_rem) by all mammals in the dataset msleep.
  • Make sure to give your new column an informative name!
  • There are NA’s in this column, so you need to tell the function mean() to ignore NA’s with the extra argument na.rm = TRUE. Remember that?! It’s an argument to mean(), NOT to summarize()!!
msleep %>%
  summarize(mean_rem = mean(sleep_rem, na.rm=TRUE))
Use group_by() calculate the median (with summarize() and median()!) body weight (bodywt) of each vore group.
  • Make sure to give your new column an informative name!
  • First, you set up the grouping with group_by(COLUMN-TO-GROUP-BY) (in this case, vore), and then pipe into summarize()
msleep %>%
  group_by(vore) %>%
  summarize(med_bodywt = median(bodywt))
Use group_by() calculate the maximum (with summarize() and max()!) brain weight (brainwt) of each vore group. Then, sort the data according to maximum brain weight (your new well-named column!) with arrange().
msleep %>%
  drop_na(brainwt) %>%
  group_by(vore) %>%
  summarize(max_brainwt = max(brainwt)) %>%
Use group_by() calculate the mean body weight (bodywt) of each combination of vore and conservation groups.
  • You can specify multiple groupings to group_by() just by listing the columns.
  • Added challenge: can you add a pipeline step that will remove all rows containing NA?
msleep %>%
  group_by(vore, conservation) %>%
  summarize(mean_bodywt = mean(bodywt)) %>%

Important learning moment!

Examine the output of the last question: The outputted tibble remains a grouped tibble, grouped on vore. The preserved grouping can lead to unintended behavior. For example, let’s say I want to add up the mean_body values: I should end up with 1 number (the sum), but I don’t!
We ended up summing across vores - well, that’s what happens on a grouped tibble! The data was previously grouped! If we really want ONE NUMBER, we must ungroup() before proceeding:
  • As a general rule, always ungroup() to be safe right after your grouped calculations.
msleep %>%
  group_by(vore, conservation) %>%
  summarize(mean_bodywt = mean(bodywt)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  drop_na() %>%
  # Add up the mean_body
  summarize(sum_bw = sum(mean_bodywt))
Use count() to count how many different taxonomic orders (column order) are in the dataset msleep. Rename the new column this creates to be called order_count, and then sort the output in descending order of order_count.
  • Hint: count(COLUMN) is an awesome shortcut for counting all observations in a group COLUMN. Need help? Use get_help("count")
  • Hint 2: Be really sure to run this code one line at a time!! Otherwise, you won’t necessarily know the name of the column to run arrange() on!!!
msleep %>%
  count(order) %>%
  rename(order_count = n) %>%
Use all your skills to wrangle the data to arrive at the answer to this question: Which group has the highest average body weight: herbivores or insectivores?
# There are MANY WAYS to arrive at this solution! Below is one good option:
msleep %>%
  filter(vore %in% c("herbi", "insecti")) %>%
  group_by(vore) %>%
  summarize(mean_bodywt = mean(bodywt)) %>%
  arrange(desc(mean_bodywt)) # answer: herbivores!
Use all your skills to wrangle the data to arrive at the answer to this question: Which group has the highest average ratio of body weight to brain weight: domesticated or non-domesticated mammals? Make sure to PLAN your steps before coding them. When coding, go LINE by LINE.
  • Hint: if_else() will be useful here!
  • Hint 2: These columns contain plenty of NAs. How do I know? I LOOKED AT THE DATA!
msleep %>%
  # I personally find it much easier to see what's going on by only keeping these 3 columns
  select(conservation, bodywt, brainwt) %>%
  # remove rows where at least one of our variables of interest is NA. How do I know to do this? I ran code without first this line, and results had tons of NA! So, maybe I should have removed them
  drop_na(conservation, bodywt, brainwt) %>%  
  mutate(cons_type = if_else(conservation == "domesticated", "dom", "notdom")) %>%
  group_by(cons_type) %>%
  mutate(ratio = bodywt/brainwt) %>%
  summarize(mean_ratio = mean(ratio)) # answer: domesticated