Follow this link for day 8 materials and notes>

Random sampling

Draw some random samples from our trusty iris dataset using one of the following functions: the base R function sample(), the dplyr function sample_n(), or the dplyr function sample_frac().

  • Randomly sample 10 setosa petal lengths without replacement
  • Randomly sample 10 setosa petal lengths with replacement
  • Randomly sample 10 rows from the iris dataframe without replacement
  • Randomly sample 10 rows from the iris dataframe with replacement
  • Randomly sample 25% of rows from the iris dataframe without replacement


## set random seed
> set.seed(1527)

## load up tidyverse
> library(tidyverse)

#### Randomly sample 10 setosa petal lengths **without replacement**
> setosa <- iris %>% filter(Species == "setosa")
> sample(setosa, 10)

#### Randomly sample 10 setosa petal lengths **with replacement**
> sample(setosa, 10, replace = T)

#### Randomly sample 10 setosa petal lengths **with replacement**
> sample(setosa, 10, replace = T)

#### Randomly sample 10 *rows* from the iris dataframe **without replacement**
> iris %>% sample_n(10)

#### Randomly sample 10 *rows* from the iris dataframe **with replacement**
> iris %>% sample_n(10, replace=T)

#### Randomly sample 25% of *rows* from the iris dataframe **without replacement**
> iris %>% sample_frac(0.25)

Permutation test

The following data are numbers of virions produced (burst sizes) for viruses that have been treated with a mutagen, and for control viruses. Samples between mutagen and control are fully independent. Use a permutation test, with the t statistic, to determine whether the mutagen has an effect on viral burst size.

  • Mutagen burst sizes: 15, 29, 58, 103, 1048
  • Control burst sizes: 7, 29, 254, 921, 5611



## set random seed
> set.seed(1527231)

## load up packages
> library(tidyverse)
> require(broom)
> require(purrr)
> require(modelr)

### Data
> virus <- tibble("group" = c(rep("mutagen", 5), rep("control", 5)), "burst.size" = c(15, 29, 58, 103, 1048, 7, 29, 254, 921, 5611))

## Calculate t on the actual data
> t.test(burst.size ~ group, data = virus)$statistic -> data.t
> data.t
## Generate 1e5 permutations
> virus.permutations <- modelr::permute(virus, 1e5, burst.size)

## Compute t-statistic for each permutation, by running a t-test for every permutation in the `perm` column of `virus.permutations`
> virus.ttests <- purrr::map(virus.permutations$perm, ~t.test(burst.size ~ group, data = .))

## Extract t-stastistics, which are in the column "statistic" below
> virus.ts <- purrr::map_df(virus.ttests, tidy, id = ".id")

### Compute P-value
> sum(virus.ts$statistic >= abs(data.t)) + sum(virus.ts$statistic <= -1*abs(data.t))
[1] 42931
> 42931/nrow(virus.ts)
[1] 0.42931

Ho: There is no difference between viral burst sizes for mutagen and control viruses.

Ha: There is a difference between viral burst sizes for mutagen and control viruses.

Our permutation test returned P=0.429, which is much larger than alpha. We fail to reject the null hypothesis, and we have no evidence that burst sizes differ between mutagen and control viruses.


Use the bootstrap approach to estimate the median and its associated 95% confidence interval for the difference in burst sizes between mutagen and control viruses.



## Make 1e5 bootstrap datasets for sample "mutagen", and compute median for each bootstrapped dataset
virus %>% 
	filter(group == "mutagen") %>% 
	slipper(median(burst.size), B=1e5) %>% 
	mutate(group = "mutagen", id = 1:n())-> mut.boot

## Make 1e5 bootstrap datasets for sample "control", and compute median for each bootstrapped dataset
virus %>% 
	filter(group == "control") %>% 
	slipper(median(burst.size), B=1e5) %>% 
	mutate(group = "control", id = 1:n()) -> cont.boot
### Merge the data and spread so that we can find the difference between medians of bootstrapped datasets
> rbind(mut.boot, cont.boot) %>% spread(group, value) -> spread.boot
> head(spread.boot)
       type n control mutagen
1 bootstrap 2    5611      58
2 bootstrap 3      29      29
3 bootstrap 4     254    1048
4 bootstrap 5     921     103
5 bootstrap 6     254      29
6 bootstrap 7     921     103

## Now grab the difference between medians, which make up our SAMPLING DISTRIBUTION of the difference b/w medians
### The mean of this distribution is ~population median difference
### CI is as usual
spread.boot %>%
	mutate(diff.median = control - mutagen) %>%
	filter(type == "bootstrap") %>%
	summarize(mean = mean(diff.median), 
		       ci_low = quantile(diff.median,0.025), 
             ci_high = quantile(diff.median,0.975))
      mean ci_low ci_high
1 543.0702   -794    5553

The bootstrap median difference between control and mutation burst sizes is 543.07 with a 95% CI of [-794, 5553]. Note that the median difference of 0 is in this CI, so we are consistent with our permutation test’s failure to reject the null.

Multiple testing

The built-in R dataset InsectSprays gives the counts of insects in agricultural experimental units treated with different insecticides. Perform all combinations of independent two-sample tests (use sample size per grouping to determine if you should use t-tests or Mann Whitney U tests) to ask which insecticides, if any, tend to lead to different numbers of insects. Use the Bonferroni correction.

Hint: to more easily find how many are significant, broom::tidy() and filter() are useful!

### Examine InsectSprays to help us decide whether to use t-tests or wilcoxon tests
> InsectSprays %>% head()
  count spray
1    10     A
2     7     A
3    20     A
4    14     A
5    14     A
6    12     A

> InsectSprays %>% group_by(spray) %>% tally()
# A tibble: 6 x 2
   spray     n
1      A    12
2      B    12
3      C    12
4      D    12
5      E    12
6      F    12

#### There are 12 observations per group, so we should use a nonparametric test
pairwise.wilcox.test(InsectSprays$count, InsectSprays$spray, p.adj = "bonf")

	Pairwise comparisons using Wilcoxon rank sum test 

data:  InsectSprays$count and InsectSprays$spray 

  A       B       C       D       E      
B 1.00000 -       -       -       -      
C 0.00058 0.00058 -       -       -      
D 0.00117 0.00104 0.03977 -       -      
E 0.00051 0.00051 0.78860 1.00000 -      
F 1.00000 1.00000 0.00052 0.00105 0.00052

P value adjustment method: bonferroni 

After correction for multiple testing with the Bonferroni, there are significantly different numbers of insects between:

  • A-C
  • A-D
  • A-E
  • C-B
  • D-B
  • E-B
  • C-D [significant for alpha = 0.05, not alpha = 0.01!]
  • C-F
  • D-F
  • E-F